Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Black Boys And Girls Holding Hands With Little Brown Vs....

After today, the education system in America will never be the same. Today marks May 17, 1954 and just moments ago the Supreme Court announced a mind-boggling court decision that has altered history forever. Little nine-year-old Linda Brown just won her case in the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas ruling. The Supreme Court just confirmed that segregation in schools is now unconstitutional under the law. Dr. King’s dream of â€Å"little black boys and girls holding hands with little white boys and girls† is now a promising reality for children across America. The laws that once denied colored children and white children from co-learning were no longer allowed to legally stand after May 17, 1954. However, it is currently 2016, approximately sixty-two years after segregation in schools as unconstitutional, yet schools are still significantly segregated. Even though African American students are no longer legally bound to a learning institution separated from whites, a divide is still evidently present. It is not just litigation that keeps diversity out of public schools, but it is also the effects of a non-seizing cycle between economics, education, and environment that ultimately keeps American schools segregated. Contemporary segregation begins with the influence of education on economics and every-day life. Capital is typically gained through employment opportunities, and employment is typically given to candidates who hold degrees from pursuing higher education.Show MoreRelatedPreschool Observation2553 Words   |  11 Pageschildren ride the tricycles. There are six tricycles but they were not out for use on the day that I observed. Inside there are many areas for playing and learning. 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